Help - My Groups

Help - My Groups

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Home > My Views>Assign Group Permissions

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Go to “View Members”
  3. Search the member to assign permission and click on their name to open member profile.
  4. From the member’s profile, select “Assign Group Permissions” from left MY VIEWS panel.
  5. Select “Edit” in Management Settings
  6. Check permissions to grant and “Save”
    1. Online Group Manager – This is the minimum permission requirement. It provides access to export and print electronic membership roster and a quick link to member email addresses.  It does not give access to additional member information not listed on the roster to view or edit.
    2. Edit Individual Profile - Grants access to the post roster and authority to view and manage member information.
    3. Edit Group Profile- Provides roster, membership management and access to administrative membership reports, labels, CPR, CSR, online membership processing and officer materials.
    4. Register or Order for a Group–Not recommended.  This authority will be used in future enhancements and does not provide any access at this time.
    5. Identify Group Manger – Not recommended.  This permission allows the group administrator to assign group permissions to someone other than the adjutant or commander.

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Home > My Views > Group Profile > Members

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Go to “View Members” from the left MY VIEWS menu.
  3. The roster appears on the Group Profile window.
    1. Email full roster
      1. select all records by checking the box to the left of Member ID
      2. from Actions pulldown, “Send Email”
    2. Email selected records
      1. select desired records by checking the box to the left of Member ID
      2. from Actions pulldown, “Send Email”

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Search a member that is not member of your group. This search method requires you to have the member’s membership ID# or Name and Current Post/Squadron. Limited information is provided to allow verification of membership, status and post/squadron they are associated with.

Home > My Views > Group Profile > Global Member Search

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Go to “Global Member Search” from the left MY VIEWS menu.
  3. Select Lookup Option
    1. Global Member Search by Member ID
    2. Global Member Search by Last Name and Post Number
  4. Enter required search options and “View Report”
  5. Return to Group Profile page: Click top page breadcrumb to “Group Profile”

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Group = Post, Squadron, County and District.  The My Groups menu displays the group you are located.

Group Attributes / Services - Add

Home > My Views > Group Profile > “group” Services

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Go to “Group Attributes/Services” from the left MY VIEWS menu.
  3. Click “Edit” to update attributes / services
  4. Check applicable attributes and “Save”
    1. Canteen
    2. Funeral Services
    3. Hall Rental
    4. Smoking Allowed
    5. Auxiliary
    6. Legion Riders
    7. Sons of The American Legion

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Group Email - Add

Home > My Views > Group Profile > Contact

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Go to “Contact Information” from the left MY VIEWS menu.
  3. Click “Add New Email”
  4. Enter the emaillocation, address and preferences.
    1. Set as Main Email Address.  Only one main email address can be listed.  The current main email address on file is replaced when selected.
  5. “Save”

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Group Fax - Add

Home > My Views > Group Profile > Contact

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Go to “Contact Information” from the left MY VIEWS menu.
  3. Click “Add New Fax Number”
  4. Enter the location, number and preferences.
    1. Set as Main Fax.  Only one main fax can be listed.  The current main fax on file is replaced when selected.
  5. “Save”

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Group Message - Add

Home > My Views > Group Profile > “group” Message

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Go to “Group Message” from the left MY VIEWS menu.
  3. Click Edit to the right of the Message area to open message box.
  4. Enter message and “Save”
    1. Maximum number of characters for message is _____________

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Group Newsletter - Add

Home > My Views > Group Profile >Publish Newsletter

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Go to “Publish Newsletter” from the left MY VIEWS menu.
  3. Click “Add New Attachment”
  4. Select “Choose File” and browse the file to upload.  PDF recommended file type
  5. Select Document Type (required)
    1. Charter
    2. Miscellaneous
  6. Click “Upload”
  7. “Save”

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Group Phone - Add

Home > My Views > Group Profile > Contact

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Go to “Contact Information” from the left MY VIEWS menu.
  3. Click “Add New Phone Number”
  4. Enter the phone type, location, number and preferences.
    1. Set as Main Phone Number.  Only one main phone number can be listed.  The current main phone number on file is replaced when selected.
    2. Do Not Call
  5. “Save”

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Group Photo - Add

Home > My Views > Group Profile > “group” Message

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Go to “Group Message” from the left MY VIEWS menu.
  3. Click “Add” on the photo image
  4. Select “Choose File” and browse the photo or image.  Supported:  gif, jpeg, jpg, png
  5. Click “Upload”
  6. “Save”

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Group Website - Add

Home > My Views > Group Profile > Contact

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Go to “Contact Information” from the left MY VIEWS menu.
  3. Click “Add New Website Address”
  4. Enter the website name, address and preferences.
    1. Set as Main Website.  Only one main website can be listed.  The current main website on file is replaced when selected.
  5. “Save”

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Home > My Views > Group Profile > Officer Manuals

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Go to “Brochures” from the left MY VIEWS menu.
  3. Click on the brochure title to open as a PDF.  Save or Print
  4. View available brochures.

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Officer Manuals

Home > My Views > Group Profile >Officer Manuals

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Go to “Officer Manuals” from the left MY VIEWS menu.
  3. Click on the manual title to open as PDF.  Save or Print
  4. View available manuals.

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Home > My Views > Group Profile >Suggested Speeches

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Go to “Brochures” from the left MY VIEWS menu.
  3. Click on the speech title to open as a PDF.  Save or Print
  4. View available speeches.

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Home > My Views > Group Profile > Members > Member Profile

Address - Add

Home > My Views > Group Profile > Members > Member Profile > Addresses

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Click“View Members” from left menu “View Members”
  3. Search the member and click on their name from the list to view Member Profile
  4. Click “ Addresses”
  5. Click “Add Address”
  6. Enter address “Save”

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Address - Delete

Home > My Views > Group Profile > Members > Member Profile > Addresses

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Click “View Members” from left menu “View Members”
  3. Search the member and click on their name from the list to view Member Profile
  4. Click “ Addresses”
  5. Click “Delete”
  6. You will be asked to confirm.  Select “Delete”

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Address - Edit

Home > My Views > Group Profile > Members > Member Profile > Addresses

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Click “View Members” from left menu “View Members”
  3. Search the member and click on their name from the list to view Member Profile
  4. Click “ Addresses”
  5. Select “Edit” view edit address
  6. “Save”

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Address - Main

The main address is the address listed as the primary contact address.  Unless specified, the main address is used in all mail correspondence

Deceased Member – Update member status to Deceased

Home > My Views > Group Profile > Members > Member Profile > Name & Demographics

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Click “View Members” from left menu “View Members”
  3. Search the member and click on their name from the list to view Member Profile
  4. Click “Name & Demographics”
  5. Click “Edit” in Demographics section. View edit demographics window
  6. Check Deceased and “Save”

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Email Address - Add

Home > My Views > Group Profile > Members > Member Profile > Contact Information

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Click “View Members” from left menu “View Members”
  3. Search the member and click on their name from the list to view Member Profile
  4. Click “Contact Information”
  5. “Add New Email Address”
  6. Enter Email location and address and “Save” view add new email address window
    1. Check Boxes (Optional)
      1. Set as Main Email Address – UN and PW retrieval are sent to Main Email
      2. Include in Print Directory
      3. Include in Web/Mobile Directory
      4. Use for Digital Subscriptions

Email Address - Delete

Home > My Views > Group Profile > Members > Member Profile > Contact Information

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Click “View Members” from left menu “View Members”
  3. Search the member and click on their name from the list to view Member Profile
  4. Click “Contact Information”
  5. Select “Delete” view delete email address window
  6. Click “Delete” in delete confirmation window

* The delete option is only available if more than one email is on file. To remove an email, leaving none on the membership record, contact national headquarters customer service at 800.433.3318.

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Email Address Edit

Home > My Views > Group Profile > Members > Member Profile > Contact Information

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Click “View Members” from left menu “View Members”
  3. Search the member and click on their name from the list to view Member Profile
  4. Click “Contact Information”
  5. Select “Edit” view edit email address window
  6. Check preferences if applicable and “Save”
    1. Check Boxes (Optional)
      1. Include in Print Directory
      2. Include in Web/Mobile Directory
      3. Use for Digital Subscriptions

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Email Address - Main

The email address listed as MAIN is also the email for account validation.  Forgot username and password requests are sent to the main email.

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Phone Number - Add

Home > My Views > Group Profile > Members > Member Profile > Contact Information

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Click “View Members” from left menu “View Members”
  3. Search the member and click on their name from the list to view Member Profile
  4. Click “Contact Information”
  5. “Add New Phone Number”
  6. Enter phone type, location, number and optional preferences boxes.
    1. Set as Main Phone Number
    2. Do Not Call
    3. Include in Print Directory
    4. Include in Web/Mobile Directory
  7. “Save”

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Phone Number- Edit

Home > My Views > Group Profile > Members > Member Profile > Contact Information

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Click “View Members” from left menu “View Members”
  3. Search the member and click on their name from the list to view Member Profile
  4. Click “Contact Information”
  5. Enter updates and “Save” view edit phone number
    1. Do Not Call
    2. Include in Print Directory
    3. Include in Web/Mobile Directory
  6. “Save”

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Phone SMS Verification.

SMS is a text messaging service component of most telephone, Internet, and mobile device systems. It uses standardized communication protocols to enable mobile devices to exchange short text messages. This feature does not currently function.

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Home > My Views > Group Profile > Members Renewed Online

This area is not fully developed. 
Create a report to view members that have renewed online to your group with dues allocations for Post and Department.  If District and County dues are allocated, they are included in this report.

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Transmittal – Renew Members

Home >Membership > Post Transmittal

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Go to “Process Membership” from the left MY VIEWS menu. view menu
  3. Click “Add/Modify Transmittal” view
  4. Post Transmittal window opens. view post transmittal window
  5. Search the member to renew and check the box to the left of the member to renew.
    1. No search results?
      1. The member is already paid, in a pending batch, or transferred out of your post/squadron.  Results in this search only provide members eligible for renewal.
      2. The member has expired more that 2 years. Select Add/Transfer Member to continue.
  6. Review post transmittal summary that updates with amount due.
    1. Dues amount not correct?  Contact your department headquarters.
  7. Repeat with each member to renew.
    1. Saving the batch allows you to exit post transmittal and return to submit later.  All transmittals are to be submitted within 14 days.
  8. View the members in the batch click “List Selected”
  9. Click “Finalize”. 
  10. Add Payment information or select the saved bank account and “Pay Now”.
    1. Authorization checkbox required.
  11. Print or Save Receipt

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Transmittal – Add or Transfer Member

Home > Membership > Post Transmittal

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Go to “Process Membership” from the left MY VIEWS menu. view menu
  3. Click “Add/Modify Transmittal” view
  4. Post Transmittal window opens. view post transmittal window
  5. Click “Add/Transfer Member” to view add/transfer scenario. view
    1. New member – never been a TAL member or SAL member
      1. Enter contact information and demographics and “Save” view
    2. Current or former member
      1. Enter ID# and Last Name
  6. Add member information and “Save”.  This adds the member to transmittal.
  7. View the members in the batch click “List Selected”
  8. Click “Finalize”.
  9. Add Payment information or select the saved bank account and “Pay Now”.
    1. Authorization checkbox required.
  10. Add Payment information or select the saved bank account and “Pay Now”.
    1. Authorization checkbox required.
  11. Print or Save Receipt.

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Transmittal – Transfer Member

Home > Membership > Post Transmittal

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Go to “Process Membership” from the left MY VIEWS menu. view menu
  3. Click “Add/Modify Transmittal” view
  4. Post Transmittal window opens. view post transmittal window
  5. Click “Add/Transfer Member” view
  6. Enter Member ID# and Last Name (required) and “Continue”
  7. Verify member information, make any updates and “Save”.
  8. View the members in the batch click “List Selected”
  9. Click “Finalize”.
  10. Add Payment information or select the saved bank account and “Pay Now”.
    1. Authorization checkbox required.
  11. Add Payment information or select the saved bank account and “Pay Now”.
    1. Authorization checkbox required.
  12. Print or Save Receipt.

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Renew an Expired Member Not on Post Transmittal listing

The post transmittal listing includes members with eligible renewal years current minus 1.To renew members that have let their membership expire greater than one year:

  1. Select “Add/Transfer Member”.
  2. Process as a Current or former member.
  3. Enter the member’s ID# and Last Name and “Continue”.
  4. This action adds the expired member to your transmittal.    Click “Save” with each update.

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Transmittal Payment Information – How do I enter?

Payment information is entered when finalizing the transmittal.  When finalizing, click Pay Now and the banking account window will open to enter your bank account and routing number. If you receive an error while entering payment information, please confirm the routing and account information with your financial institution for ACH payments.

Look in the lower left hand corner of the check where routing numbers are located.
Look for an icon on the check. The icon is a character is from the BankerScriber MICR font.
Identify the first nine numbers. All routing numbers are nine numbers.

The easiest place to find your bank’s routing number is to look at your paper checks. The check will typically have the 9-digit routing number down on the bottom left of the check. It will be in a sequence of three numbers printed in MICR (magnetic ink character recognition) form.

The account number works in conjunction with the routing number. While the routing number identifies the name of the financial institution, the account number-usually between eight and 12 digits -identifies your individual account.

The most common length for bank account numbers is 9, 12, or 10 digits. Although they range from 4 to 17 digits long. I have a large database of valid numbers and there's no pattern that I can see to the "account number".

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Transmittal Payment Information – How do I update?

Bank information can be updated when finalizing the transmittal. The Transmittal Payment window has a link to Update Account Information.

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Transmittal History

Home > Membership > Transmittal History

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Go to “Transmittal History” from the left MY VIEWS menu.
  3. Table displays with summary of transmittal history.  Select Transmittal Number to view members in the transmittal.

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Home > My Views > Group Profile > Registered Members

This area is not fully developed. 

View a listing of all members that have created a myLegion member account.

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Consolidated Reports – CPR and CSR– EDIT / SAVE / FINALIZE

** Available for Post and Squadron Adjutants only.  Consolidated reports are only available if a report was started prior to April 1.

  1. Click “Edit Reports” or “View / Edit Reports” from the left menu.  View dashboard.  The dashboard with Consolidated Report options is restricted to Post and Squadron Adjutants.
  2. MY CONSOLIDATED REPORTSwindow will open.This window provides information for Open and Closed reports.  Post Adjutants have access to Post and Squadron reports.  Click “Edit” to open the report.
  3. In Preview and Final Steps, click “Edit” to open the report to update.
  4. Report information provides field boxes to include data.  The number located at the lower right indicates the maximum characters allowed.  Tab to go from one field to the next or scroll and click.  The report is no longer completed in sections.  It is one continuous form.  Located the bottom of the form are buttons to “Save as Draft”, “Cancel” or “Next” to navigate to Preview and Submit.
  5. Select “Submit Final”.

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Labels – 3/10

Home >My Views > Group Profile > Reports / Labels

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Go to “Reports/Labels” from the left MY VIEWS menu.
  3. Select the 3x10 label option. 
  4. Set the last paid year and click “View Report
  5. Names display one column.  From the export pulldown menu export to a PDF.
  6. Print labels from PDF document.

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Member Online Renewals

Home >My Views > Group Profile > Reports / Labels

Create a report to view members that have renewed online to your group. Member online renewal is limited to Legion members only.

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Go to “Reports/Labels” from the left MY VIEWS menu.
  3. Select Member Online Renewal. 
  4. Set the date range using the calendar icons and “View Report
  5. Names display one column.  From the export pulldown menu export to a PDF.
  6. Print labels from PDF document.

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Find Members in My Area

Home > My Views > Group Profile > Reports / Labels

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Go to “Reports/Labels” from the left MY VIEWS menu.
  3. Select “Find Members In My Area”.
  4. Set parameters for members to find. Enter the zip code first.  Next enter last paid year.   And “View Report”
  5. The report generates.  View Report.  From the export pull down menu export the document to the desired application.

About this report:
Includes headquarters members and expired member meeting search parameters.

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Post Current Roster

Home > My Views > Group Profile > Reports / Labels

  • From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  • Go to “Reports/Labels” from the left MY VIEWS menu.
  • Select “Current Roster”.
  • Set parameters that include Last Paid Year, Status, Mailing Status and “View Report”.
  • The report generates.  View Report.  From the export pull down menu export the document to the desired application.

About this report:

  • Includes membersof the group meeting search parameters.
  • Last Paid includes Current Year and 2 previous years.
  • Undeliverable mail status results in the member not receiving renewal notices, TAL magazine or any mailing from National or Department.
  • Use this roster to generate a Deceased, Un-renewed and Undeliverable reports.

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Deceased Report

Home > My Views > Group Profile > Reports / Labels

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Go to “Reports/Labels” from the left MY VIEWS menu.
  3. Select “Current Roster”.
  4. Set parameters that include Last Paid Year, Status “Deceased”, Mailing Status and “View Report”.
  5. The report generates.  From the export pull down menu export the document to the desired application.

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Undeliverable Report

Home > My Views > Group Profile > Reports / Labels

Undeliverable mail status results in the member not receiving renewal notices, TAL magazine or any mailing from National or Department.

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Go to “Reports/Labels” from the left MY VIEWS menu.
  3. Select “Current Roster”.
  4. Set parameters that include Last Paid Year, Status, Mailing Status set to “Undeliverable” and “View Report”.
  5. The report generates.  From the export pull down menu export the document to the desired application.

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Home >My Views > Group Profile > Members

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Go to “View Members” from the left MY VIEWS menu.
  3. The roster appears on the Group Profile window.
    1. Print/Save full roster
      1. select all records by checking the box to the left of Member ID
      2. from Actions pulldown, “Export Full Roster” or “Print Roster”
    2. Print/Save selected records
      1. select desired records by checking the box to the left of Member ID
      2. from Actions pulldown, “Export SelectedRecords”

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The Training White Paper project was presented at the Spring & Fall meetings (2017), which resulted in the creation of the 21st Century Committee that defines our training methods.  In summary, the leadership decided National should provide materials online for departments, districts and posts to conduct their own local trainings as much as possible. 

Respond to myLegion Training Requests using the text below.

National will provide materials online for departments, districts and posts to conduct their local trainings as much as possible.  

Online training sessions, accompanying PowerPoints and Q&A summaries are available at  for download and to use at the local level.  If these do not meet your need, contact National Member Engagement & Training Coordinator at

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Home > My Views> Group Profile > Members

View members opens the group roster with search options to locate a specific member or group of members.  For more information about managing a member’s record go to MEMBER MANAGEMENT

  1. From your My Account page, enter My Groups to access Group Profile
  2. Go to “View Members” from the left MY VIEWS menu.
    1. Search using search options.
    2. Select Member’s Name to open more information.
    3. Select Member’s Email to open an email from your provider.

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